Amazing Southern Asia Exhibit at the gallery!

Brenda Yager is a Geneseo native who has traveled around the world and has generously brought hundreds of photos and art objects from a recent trip to Southern Asia, including Viet Nam, Thailand, Burma, Cambodia, and other countries in the vicinity.

The opening reception will be held this Sunday, March 15, from 2:00-4:30 and will continue through April 3.  We would like to invite you to join us for this outstanding experience.  Brenda will be present on Sunday to tell some of her experiences, and I know you would find her and her exhibit informative, beautiful, and historical.

Please come, and feel free to extend this invitation to anyone else who might be interested.

Photo by Claudia LoucksBrenda Yager (left), and RutabagA president Sharon Michaelsen (right)

Photo by Claudia Loucks

Brenda Yager (left), and RutabagA president Sharon Michaelsen (right)